Courageous Being Yolanda Reyes recently passed a demanding finserv industry-credentialing exam. Congrats! We asked her to share with us what kept her going when the going got tough. Yolanda says: “I think what really got me through when I was feeling low and less than motivated to study was having those ‘aha’ moments, those small wins, when I figured something out that I had been struggling to understand. I would get a little more motivation and energy in thinking: ‘Yes, maybe I can do this!’ Also, what got me through was really having a community of people (family, friends, colleagues) that were cheering me on as I went through the process.”
The Power of Small Wins and Support: Mastering Preparation for a Challenging FinServ Exam
by Ivana Polonijo | Feb 5, 2024 | Courageous Being Article